Cosmetic Dentistry

Have the smile you’ve always dreamed of. 

Invisible Retainers

ClearCorrect is the clear and simple alternative to braces. No wires. No brackets. No reason not to smile!

ClearCorrect is a series of clear, custom, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth as you wear them. Each aligner moves your teeth just a little bit at a time. ClearCorrect is practically invisible.

It’s comfortable – no cuts or scrapes like with braces.

It’s removable – eat what you want, then brush and floss.

It’s affordable – compared to metal braces.

ClearCorrect has the advantages of braces without the limitations of other aligner systems. It’s clear and easier to keep clean, with better control for your dentist and better results for you. Whether you’d like to move one tooth or a few teeth – we have different options to choose from. Call us today to schedule a FREE ClearCorrect consultation.